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The church - From Babylon to the Promised Land

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To understand what “The church” is and how it is to be built, so that it can properly function in all the power and provisions that the Lord God has given is one of the most important realizations that anyone can know. We will all someday stand before the Lord and give account, and our works will either endure and we will receive rewards, or they will be burned up, and we will suffer loss for all eternity (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). Jesus said He will build His church, but most Christians are building their church, and do not realize the difference (Matthew 16:17-18). They do not understand the proper structure that builds all Christians together in unity, what God has always promised to bless, and not in the sectarian and divided organizations, dependant and independent, that we see today. This teaching will take you from the tower of Babel where all false religious ways started, to Babylon the Great, the final expression which is being built today, and will be judged in our day before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And as you travel through His Word, I trust you will learn of His precious ways, and come to understand how you are to function in this great world-wide body, the church, of which the Lord Jesus is the head present in every expression, whether when just two or three believers are gathered together in His name, or hundreds, thousands, or millions (Colossians 1:18, Matthew 18:20).

Reader's Comments

"I have been traveling . . . and have just now completed it. I want to say your discussion of Babylon is one of the clearest and illuminating treaties I have ever read and my spirit witnesses to it. I am therefore enclosing a check for five more copies that I intend to send to some of my close friends. In addition I want to order the booklet you recommend, Unanimity, and will say before reading it that I am in agreement with the concept."
Ken Bennett, minister

"The books have been of great blessing to me and my family. On the day I received them, I commenced reading the books titled "The church, from Babylon to the Promised Land." My wife and elder daughter commenced reading others. They have finished reading "A Woman's Dress" and "A Woman's Headcovering." They have not only enjoyed it but have received great insight and wisdom.

I am reading , The church." I have finished up to page 110. It is marvelous and wonderful revelation that you have received of the Lord. Definitely, it has given me a great understanding of Church government, the church history and what Babylon is for us today. Yes, it is one of the most important truths that have been discovered from God's Holy Word. It has quickened my spirit and enlightened my understanding.

Once again, thank you, my brother for sending me the books. And writing and publishing them as inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. We have commenced sharing the revelation and understanding, we received to many brethren locally…
Hemraj Mangal, minister in Figi.

"Thank you for the copy of your book that the Lord wrote through you. I was truly blessed. God has led you through many trials to get that book just right. . . . The Spirit really opened my spiritual eyes on Unanimity plus Babylon.
Roger Waller

Thank you for sending me your book "The church." It is a gift and blessing that is greatly appreciated.

"The church" is an insightful Holy Spirit breathed text of great importance to the Body of Christ that should be read and studied by all. It is an exhaustive work, that frames and emphasizes for the reader, the fact and truth that the pattern set forth by the New Testament saints, (that was Holy Spirit inspired) is biblical, effective, and necessary for today's saints, if we are ever to come into the place where God desires the entire Body of Christ to be. Thank you and congratulations for your work on a subject matter that is misunderstood by most, belittled by some, yet vital to all for the proper operation of the Body of Christ and its glorification of God."
Elgin L. Biggers

Download the book (all in pdf)
The church - contents, intro and preface | Chapter One | Chapter Two
Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Last Words and Prayer

"The Church" 11.5 MB.pdf" | Ordering Info